Export all Awarded Post-Acceptance Applications (Thank You Notes)

My university wants to send paper thank you letters to donors.  We want to be able to have a template in the system, to print as a word document, in mass, for all awarded thank you notes.  We currently do a mail merge, but it would be nice for the system to have this feature built in. 

  • Tammy Mitchum
  • Sep 25 2019
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Client Name "shard name" sfasu
User System Admin
Functional Unit Post Acceptance
Employee Name Tammy Mitchum
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    October 11, 2019 19:36

    Thanks, Tammy. Can you expand on this request a little more?

    If you're asking for the ability to export thank you letters, that can be done from the post-acceptance grid. If the thank you letters are uploaded as documents, that download process is a little cumbersome, so I can merge this request with the request to make that process simpler.

    Or are you asking for the ability to put the thank you letters in a report to share with donors? That can be done with the Stewardship Management features in Engage.

    Or am I misunderstanding and this doesn't fall into either of those scenarios?

