Currently, the award in Academic works only allows a focused option to match criteria against students. However, it is very common for an award to need to go to a secondary option. For example, the first option might be students from a certain county in a certain state. If there are no students from that county, only then would you go to the secondary option that might be students from a certain state. Our awards might even have a third option that if the first can't be met, then on to the back-up plan and it can't be met, it might have a third option of any student from the United States. It seems this is a fairly common occurrence and having the system show students that met the first option, second option, or third option seems to make sense.
Client Name "shard name" | fhu |
Employee Name | Jay Satterfield |
Thanks, Jay.
I believe you should be able to use qualification points for this scenario. In the example you gave, if each option was set up as a separate qualification group, applicants from the specific county, specific state, and the US would receive 3 qualification points. Applicants from a different county but the specific state would receive 2 points and applicants from different counties and states but from the US would receive 1 point. You can filter the grids by qualification points to list the applicants in order.
Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding your request!