We had ~30 students that did not complete their post acceptance after sending email and mailing them an offer letter. Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to decline people in the system. If you were to add a Decline option to the Post Acceptance grid or at least add an "Award Mode" column to Post-Acceptance grid that would help significantly - at least all of the declines could come from a central location instead of the twenty clicks it feels like we have to do now for each student.
Client Name "shard name" | schoolcraft |
User | System Admin |
Functional Unit | Portfolio |
Employee Name | Jen Mackinder |
Hi Jen,
You can accomplish this in bulk by moving the original application out of Offered (or the encumbering category you might be using.) I've seen some clients create a custom category called "Admin-declined", name it something different for the applicant view, and then from the grids move the relevant applications into that category.
When you move the original application out of an encumbering category, the corresponding post-acceptance application will disappear. Let me know if you have any questions on that!