This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit AWARDS-I-107 Ability to toggle what is included in encumbered funds or delineate encumbered amounts by season/cycle..
I'd like for the award period to present differently in the OA view, specifically, instead of a total amount grouped in "Fall 2019 and Spring 2020", I'd like to see a column for Fall, a column for Spring, and column for the total. When we reconcile with Financial Aid and the Business Office, we look at the amounts allocated to each semester, but in BAM I can only get a total amount and have to manually divide out the amounts for each semester. Maybe make this an option in Fund Disbursement to see disbursement in semester-by-semester detail.
Client Name "shard name" | msubillings |
User | Opportunity Admin |
Functional Unit | Grids |
Employee Name | Jennifer Ries |