View apply-to questions as student

Would like to be able to show scholarship committees an apply-to set of questions at the student's view. There is no way to copy and past a question set in it's entirety.

  • Lisa Churchman
  • Apr 22 2019
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Client Name "shard name" towson
Employee Name Lisa Churchman
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Churchman commented
    July 18, 2022 16:32

    When I create apply-to scholarships, the Program Director (person who is creating the questions) would like to see what the application looks like to the student. I cannot do this until the opportunity is open and a student applies. It would be huge if all apply-to and conditional applications would have a "student view." This will enable everyone involved to get a "bigger picture" of the application and make any necessary revisions. I always thought the end date of the conditional application was listed and it is not. I discovered this by mistake last year. Now, I know I have to put the due date for a conditional application in the description box. I think that it is insane that there is no due date listed.

  • Lisa Churchman commented
    February 16, 2022 19:50

    Program Directors would like to view the application before it is published as a student would view it. I apologize as I did not realize there was a comment to my original post. Three years later.

  • Lisa Churchman commented
    June 14, 2019 13:53

    Everyone I train on how to use this system wants to "see what the applicant views." And also for big training sessions which I am about to start planning in the near future.

  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    April 26, 2019 13:46

    Thanks, Lisa! Can you help me better understand this request? Why do you want to show the scholarship committee the student's view of a question set? Is the committee reviewing the applications, and if so, can they see the information in the reviewer portal?