Currently the only way to delete scopes is to do so one by one w hich is very time consuming.
I have had to delete 30+ scopes for clients who create them on their own before fully understanding what scopes are. For example, they'll create scopes for "gpa greater than 3.0" before we even get started. Then, once they understand that this is actually a qualification, they want those scopes removed.
It would be great to have a tool to remove them en masse. At the very least maybe under "implementation deletion tools," but I can see a use case for being able to delete them en masse even when the site is live too..
Client Name "shard name" | appstate |
User | Support Admin |
Functional Unit | Scopes |
Employee Name | Mary Trautman |
I am currently deleting over 200 scopes one by one for a client.
This sometimes happens because onboarding has them include scopes in the opportunities worksheet and clients don't understand how they work until they reach implementation.
This functionality should at least be added for Support users. Currently they must be deleted one by one or a request has to be made to RDO if there are too many to delete one by one.