Allow Opportunity Administrators to Reply to Reviewer Notes

IU has experienced many Reviewers adding questions directed toward the Opportunity Administrator (OA) via the Reviewer Note - some questions relating specifically to qualifications or other important factors when Reviewers are considering an applicant for an award. Rather than being able to house the entire exchange within the Reviewer Notes in BAM, the OA has to send an email separate from the BAM system, and the final decision about the applicant selection is not captured within the system itself. This makes it difficult to explain why one student was selected over another for auditing purposes since not all the data and information exchange is present in one place. Additionally, it causes extra work for both the Reviewer and the OA since they are unable to communicate questions within the system.

  • Rachel Kynhoff
  • Oct 21 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" IU
User System Admin , Opportunity Admin, Reviewer, Reviewer Chair , System Admin, Reviewer Chair
Functional Unit Reviewer Groups, Reviews, Review
Employee Name Rachel Kynhoff
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