Label all id columns in each grid view

In all grid views, the "id" column is never labeled. It simply says "id." IU would like to request that the "id" field be labeled specifically as to what it is. For example: "applicant id" or "opportunity id" or "reviewer id" etc. The reason being is that it is not always clear what the id is referencing and there is an assumption in each grid view that you know exactly what you're looking at. This would be especially helpful for new System Administrators, OAs and client-defined roles. 

  • Rachel Kynhoff
  • May 2 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" IU
User System Admin , IT Admin, Opportunity Admin, Reviewer Chair , System Admin, Reviewer Chair
Functional Unit Grids
Employee Name Rachel Kynhoff
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