Update New General Application while Current one Open

We keep our General Application open through the summer for departmental awarding. While that application is open, we would like to begin working on updates to the next application to allow for more time to do so. Summer is the only time we have to make updates and work with our university IT team on upgrades on our end that impact the BAM so this is a crucial time to begin making edits to the next Gen App.

I would like to suggest allowing the 'Future' General Application to be open for edits prior to the opening date even if the current one is still open. 

  • Guest
  • May 3 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" colorado
User System Admin
Functional Unit General Application
Employee Name Christina Inkpen
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  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    May 10, 2019 15:09

    Thanks for clarifying!

  • Guest commented
    May 10, 2019 14:05

    I would like to keep it open to applicants while working on the new Gen App for the next awarding cycle. In my mind this one would say ' Future' so I could update it without it being visible.


    We do work with IT for this and I plan to submit a ticket for help... the timing will just be such a quick turn around if I can have the current one open and the new one available for updates.

  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    May 10, 2019 13:55

    Hi Christina,

    Just to clarify - when you say you keep the General Application open, do you mean you set the start and end dates so that it's open to applicants? Or are you talking about archiving the General Application with cycle management?

    Also, are you working with your IT team on changes to your import data? Do they help you with the applicant questions on the General Application as well?
