Occassionally, admins need to audit the saved grid views created in their system to find any that can be deleted. A System Report would be helpful for identifying all saved grid views in use.
Yes, Cal Poly Pomona would like the ability to clean up our grid views after cycle management. As of today, we do not have a designated administrator to complete this task, this would be very useful.
Cal Poly Pomona would like this as well, but also the ability to DELETE some cloned grid views from all opportunities. Currently there is no way to do this, even by Support, so admins have to go into each opportunity and delete them one by one.
UW-Madison is hoping to do some summer clean-up of our bulk action grid saved grid views (there are 100+ on our General App and Fund Disbursments grids alone). We'd find this report very helpful!
Yes, Cal Poly Pomona would like the ability to clean up our grid views after cycle management. As of today, we do not have a designated administrator to complete this task, this would be very useful.
Cal Poly Pomona would like this as well, but also the ability to DELETE some cloned grid views from all opportunities. Currently there is no way to do this, even by Support, so admins have to go into each opportunity and delete them one by one.
UW-Madison is hoping to do some summer clean-up of our bulk action grid saved grid views (there are 100+ on our General App and Fund Disbursments grids alone). We'd find this report very helpful!