No Longer Encumbered Applicants Grayed Out Functionality - Option to Turn Off or Make More Apparent

The current hard coded feature of greying out previously encumbered applications does not have enough contrast to show a difference. This is not possible for color-blind users. I can see color and I can barely tell there is a difference. I have to look at the actual category or the encumbered amounts. This is very confusing to our administrators and especially confusing to my system admin that is color-blind. In an effort to make this accessible to all users, can this be either turned off or made more clear that there is a difference?

  • Oliver Mamangun
  • Apr 29 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" csulb
User System Admin
Functional Unit Grids
Employee Name Oliver Mamangun
  • Attach files