Tables for questions, question sections

The linear look of BAM can be intimidating and ugly for all user roles. I find the current format difficult to review and I've gotten many complaints from applicants, sys/opp/stew admins, and reviewers in the past few years. :( I suspect others face the same challenge.

My past application product could present a "table" look. It's a nice way to group biographical info, academics, etc. for a "shorter" look, but especially handy for question sets allowing multiple responses for things like extracurruclars, employment, or awards.

This was one of the earlest requests we made from AcademicWorks over 5 years ago and got positive replies, but the design change never made it to fruition.

  • Guest
  • Mar 24 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" ucla, prospective-ugstudents-ucla
User System Admin , System Admin
Functional Unit Questions
Employee Name Tamara Tsang
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