Renewals should be student-centric with more options on awarding screen

By that, I mean that you currently have to clone your opportunity, if you are awarding an incoming freshman for 4 years or an incoming transfer for 2 years. It would be much easier if there were more options on the awarding screen, beyond award period and amount, that would make the renewal specific to the student versus the opportunity.

Ideally, a start year and end year, or something similar, would be great, so BAM would know when to stop rolling the renewal over in the system. We've mentioned this in meeting with our Blackbaud contacts, but curious if others have the same challenge and this would be a useful enhancement. Let's declutter. :)

  • Guest
  • Jul 21 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" ucla
User System Admin
Functional Unit Renewal Management
Employee Name Tamara Tsang
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