Email Report

As an admin, I would like to see all of the emails sent from BBAM to applicants scoped to the awards I oversee. Currently, I can see this by going in to each applicant's user record, but this is a cumbersome process to do with a large number of applicants to see their email history. I would like to have a report or grid that shows all of the emails that have been sent to applicants in one place. It would be really helpful to be able to have columns that identify the award the student received, the text of the email, date email was sent, etc. and have the capability to download the report.

  • Christin Grissom
  • Jan 9 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Mary Trautman
Client Name "shard name" towson
User Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Communications, Reports
  • Attach files