Collapsable Grid View List

When working on a renewal opportunity, I have to scroll through the dozens, maybe hundreds, of Gen App saved grid views before I get to the opportunity-specific grid views that I need to work with. Given that the drop-down disappears if you move your mouse out of the window, the only way to get down there is by scrolling manually - very tedious. I think it'd be great if you could collapse a section of saved grid views (i.e. General App, Conditional App, etc.) - that would let the user see only what they care about.

  • Keith Brown
  • Feb 20 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" wisc
Employee Name Keith Brown
  • Attach files
  • Ellen Ostendorf commented
    March 06, 2023 19:08

    A collapsable Grid View would be very helpful!