Sorting Within Multi-value Fields

When displaying the multiple values for student in a multivalue field, the BBAM system automatically displays values in alphabetical order.  The client would like for these values to be presented in the order they were selected in or, if an import, the order they are imported in. The reason being is that the values are imported in a particular order to line up with other fields that related (major, major code, major concentration, program, etc.).

  • Micco Fay
  • Jun 4 2019
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Client Name "shard name" mtroyal
Employee Name Micco Fay
  • Attach files
  • Rusty Martel commented
    October 31, 2019 21:40

    This was a request from Mount Royal, I can provide the clarification.


    These are import fields that are part of our nightly import that have multiple values included in them. These values are sorted during the extract to align the data, but once imported into BAM the sorting within each field defaults to alphabetical.


    For example, we use multi-value fields for application programs, and decision statuses. So the two columns would look like this: Column 1(Arts | Science | Engineering); Column 2(IA | AA | IC) where IA is the decision code for Arts, NA for Science, etc. But when it loads into BAM it becomes Column 1(Arts | Engineering | Science); Column 2(AA | IA | IC) and the relationship between the fields is lost. 

  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    June 07, 2019 14:32

    Thanks, Micco! Just to confirm - are you referring to how the answers of a multi-select question are displayed to the person answering the question? (for either an applicant or an admin question?)