Add an administrator email that is prompted when an applicant updates an already submitted post acceptance.

As an admin, I'd like an email when someone updates a post acceptance question that they have already submitted. We ask students to submit their student ID# so we can pull that out into excel but several entered them wrong and I've asked that they go in and update them online. Without an email I just have to constantly be checking who hasn't updated it yet and who has instead of just getting an email and updating my list as I know they've been updated. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 6 2019
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Client Name "shard name" fairfieldcountyfoundation
User System Admin
Functional Unit Communications, Post Acceptance
Employee Name Abby King
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    June 07, 2019 18:30

    Thanks, Abby!

    When you ask the students to update their ID, do you move the post-acceptance application back to the "Requested" category? If so, you can use the "Post-Acceptance Submitted" email. You would receive this email once the student updates the value and hits "Finish and Submit".