Allow Reports to be Saved as a PDF or Excel Worksheet Rather Than Only a CSV file

Once you have created a view and are ready to download it, allow a choice of PDF, Excel, or CSV file. Also, when you re-size columns and move them around, have that translate over to the downloaded PDF, Excel, or CSV file. Also allow users to download the report from the system instead of having to wait for an email and then having to click on a link to download the report. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 12 2019
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Client Name "shard name" utah
User System Admin
Functional Unit Grids , Reports
Employee Name Shelley Latreille
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    June 14, 2019 16:27

    Thanks, Shelley!

    Can you tell me a little more about why you need the downloaded information in different formats? I'm particularly curious about the request for a pdf version. One you download the files, do you save them as a pdf or excel file today?