Add Project ID to opportunity portfolio report

Was going to use this to cross-reference donor profiles client sent with project IDs (that's an easier field for her to provide) but noticed that although it has Fund Code and Aux Code, there is no Project ID on this report.


I know it's on other reports, would just be nice if it was on this one too. :-)

  • Mary Trautman
  • Jun 19 2019
  • Shipped
Client Name "shard name" sunyulster
User System Admin , Opportunity Admin, Support Admin
Functional Unit Reports
Employee Name Mary Trautman
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    August 30, 2019 13:57

    Please see same request from udayton in the merged enhancement; description below -

    "Please add the Project ID field to this report so that we can easily create the upload file required to include the 'Total_Award_Amount' field"