Allow Custom Formatting for Reviewer Group Notes

When customizing the formatting of Group Reviewer Notes not all formatting rules are persisted to the reviewer's view. All text becomes bolded in the single pane reviewer view and side-by-side view.

This causes some confusion to the users as they are prompted with formatting rules on all text areas.

There are no work arounds as this is a system-defined style rule.

  • Maxwell Russell
  • Mar 13 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Maxwell Russell
Client Name "shard name" ucsd, wisc, calalumni
User System Admin , Reviewer
Functional Unit Reviewer Groups
  • Attach files
  • Ruth Shoup commented
    November 16, 2020 20:26

    Madison College is requesting this

  • Maxwell Russell commented
    May 09, 2019 17:50

    WISC is also requesting this. 

  • Jessica Beatty commented
    April 30, 2018 14:51

    calalumni would also like this feature. They spent time formatting their text and come to find out it does not change anything. They do not want this text to be bolded to reviewer. It makes it hard for them to read.

  • Deleted User commented
    March 16, 2018 22:02

    Nataly Paoli from Mt. Hood Community College requested this today (03/16/2018). She was very frustrated that she spent an inordinate amount of time formatting this RG Note all for naught. There should at least be a note on that page advising of this limitation.