Change Site Address by Scope

It would be great to have a site address specific to scope.  That way emails appear from the appropriate college or department.  

  • Guest
  • Apr 10 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Cammy Jagielski
Client Name "shard name" wisc, ku, cmc, losrios
User System Admin , Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Communications
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 22, 2019 17:31

    Please add Claremont McKenna College to this request.


  • Guest commented
    January 08, 2019 01:51

    Please add Los Rios Community College to this request.

    They have one site being used by four campuses and do not like the idea of students from different campuses reaching out to one single email address with questions - they all have different scholarships.

    Thank You!

  • Deleted User commented
    May 18, 2018 16:03

    KU has also asked about this. Their medical school is coming onboard and would prefer emails came from a Medical School email address.