Add a currency question type for Scholarship Management

Problem: Because they don't have an import, client has a lot of GA questions asking for financial data, such as:

Adjusted Gross Income

Total U.S. Income Tax Paid

Wages, salaries, tips, earned from work


She says that when she is looking at this information she wants to see the dollar signs and wants reviewers to see the dollar signs, mainly to make it easier to read and understand what you are seeing, especially if you have to do some calculations.

This field type wold be great for other clients who do use imports as well. Clients like to differentiate between currency fields and other numerical fields on their applications.

  • Mary Trautman
  • Jun 21 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Mary Trautman
Client Name "shard name" wfacf
User System Admin , Reviewer, Reviewer Chair
Functional Unit Questions, Imports
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