Would like the ability to query an external source for people

WISC-Madison would like to request an ability to query for users from an external source. This came about from needing to get NetUIDs for all reviewers to be able to login using institution credentials on a regular basis.

Currently they can set up an automation however, would prefer we go out and query as they have over 200,000 active NetIds so narrowing this down to use the remote identity is difficult, especially if reviewer change on a daily basis. Hope that makes sense. Ozzyie sent along some information from their IT folks to review.

If you want to refer AW to a reference, the CIC (now Big Ten Academic Alliance) Cloud Services Cookbook is the reference used worldwide: https://carmenwiki.osu.edu/display/CICIDM/Cloud+Services+Cookbook+Project . Particularly interesting to them will be the "Vendor Guide": https://carmenwiki.osu.edu/display/CICIDM/Vendor+Guide+to+the+Cloud+Services+Cookbook

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks! Cammy

  • Guest
  • Jul 24 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Cammy Jagielski
Client Name "shard name" wisc
User System Admin , IT Admin
Functional Unit Authentication
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