Lindsay Hyatt Barr from stanfordathletics would like Fund Code to be displayed in Applicant-Centric Awarding when an opportunity is clicked on (see screenshot for example). They have several scholarships that have very similar names and they use Fund Code, which is unique to each opportunity, to tell each apart and ensure they are awarding under the correct opportunity/fund. Having Fund Code display in ACA will help ensure accuracy when awarding applicants and also help streamline their process.
Currently scope displays in ACA which could potentially be used as a workaround but is not feasible for this client because they have over 100 scholarships with unique fund codes.
Employee Name | Ashley Pierce |
Client Name "shard name" | alaska, stanfordathletics |
User | System Admin |
Functional Unit | Awards |
I'd love to have not only the fund code but also the Auxiliary Fund Code. That would make our auto-match and replacement awarding oh, so much quicker and easier. If only one could be moved, I'd vote for the Aux code. Thank you!
Dory Straight (University of Alaska Fairbanks) - alaska- would like to be able to filter by Fund Code in ACA:
With having two cycles open at the same time we need the ability to offer awards to students that reflect a certain aid year. With that said, we support Montana State University's request for two product enhancements.
1. A fund period filter be added to Applicant Centric Awarding that would do two things.
a. Only display a student’s qualifying opportunities by fund period
b. Update the encumbered fund total at the bottom of the page to sum by fund period