Provide way to determine what students have been dropped from file and should be flagged as inactive

Problem: Client just drops students from the import file when they drop out or leave the school. They find it too difficult to add an active/inactive flag and keep the students in the file for a period of time. They feel that it should be something we handle on our end. For example, provide a report for them of any students dropped from the file on a nightly or weekly basis so they could go in and flag them somehow manually. In other words, they think AW should "know" when a student has been dropped and remove them from applicant pools but maybe a report would help them at least.


This is for Morgan State University but JMU and Lake Michigan also mentioned it.

  • Mary Trautman
  • Aug 7 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Mary Trautman
Client Name "shard name" morgan, jmu, lakemichigancollege
User IT Admin
Functional Unit Imports
  • Attach files