Need a canned report that shows qualification criteria

Lane would like a canned report she can pull at anytime, that displays like the attached. This has all individual qualifications, name, whether the award renews and total available. She states she pulls this report daily to ensure all qualifications have been met per the donors request when awarding folks. Looking at a description is not reliable as this can be mistakenly typed into and not necessarily updated.

  • Deleted User
  • Aug 23 2018
  • Shipped
Employee Name Cammy Jagielski
Client Name "shard name" cmc, lanecc, sunyulster
User System Admin
Functional Unit Qualifications
  • Attach files
  • Mary Trautman commented
    March 27, 2019 19:28

    Please make sure Claremont McKenna (CMC) is added to this request. 

    Thank You!

  • Guest commented
    December 21, 2018 21:26

    Sheila at SUNY Ulster has also requested this report. 

    The data she needs is: name of scholarship; fund code;qualifications

    She doesn't want to have to reach out to Support and wait a few days each time she needs this information, which she uses to spot check to her MOUs. Mostly she needs this during implementation, and I can run our AW Labs report for her, but she's worried that she'll need it later and it will take 3-5 days to get from Support. 

    Please add SUNY Ulster to this request.
