Ability to Compare Fields in a Qualification

Client Lisa Mattke would like the ability to compare fields within a qualification. Her specific example, she has a Start Date field and an Enrollment Date field and eligible applicants need to have at least 30 days between the two. Her setup would be something like Start Date must be 30 days greater than Enrollment Date. She uses this to ensure applicants in a pool have given themselves enough time to prepare and save up funds. She prefers to award applicants who have given themselves time rather than those who are enrolling last minute and trying to get funded at the last minute.This has potential to be useful for other number, date or money fields for other scenarios/clients as well.

  • Deleted User
  • Sep 5 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Ashley Pierce
Client Name "shard name" utifoundation
User System Admin
Functional Unit Qualifications
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