Improving filterability of qualifying opps on questions

Admin was searching for qualifying opportunities on the GA question, "Did you graduate from (or are currently attending) a high school located in one of the following counties?" He thought the screen was freezing up on him, but upon further investigation the search is working but taking a very long time.  For example, when I clicked Edit into the question, select the Opportunities tab, and enter "britt" in "Filter opportunity list" search box, the letters do not populate until the search comes up, a full 45 seconds later (see screenshot attached).  For 45 seconds, you're looking at a blank search field and nothing else on the screen is moving.  He tested it by searching on "Fall" and he waited for 1 min 43 sec.  For all intents and purposes, this makes this search function not feasible. I provided him with a qualifications report for this field, which is the best way to go for something like this anyway, but not all clients know this!

  • Guest
  • Sep 14 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Nora Miller
Client Name "shard name" fresnostate
User System Admin , Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Questions
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