Preventing browsers from autofilling answer fields in applicant portal

sheridancollege has found that approx 170 applications have a wildly unlikely value for the GA question, "Please indicate your Total Expenses for the Fall term from your completed budget ORANGE BOX B (no dollar signs, decimals, brackets or negatives). Remember to review your budget." The question is set up as a Number-No Decimals. After speaking with a few applicants, the system admin determined that Chrome is the likely suspect as it is autofilling this answer field with the applicant's phone number.

The system admin is either going in directly to update this number as the applicant, or is asking the applicant to revise it directly. She's exasperated that applicants aren't proofing their applications, but is also wondering if there is anyting we can do on our end to prevent incorrect autofills like this. Thank you!

  • Guest
  • Sep 18 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Nora Miller
Client Name "shard name" sheridancollege
User Applicant
Functional Unit Questions, General Application
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