"Date" Grid Filters: Allow "BETWEEN" and "OR" filter operations

Client: Army Emergency Relief


Problem Statement: Client would like to view application pools based on different windows of applied dates.  Client's application remains open year round but they would like to process awards in batches throughout the year, processing students by their application date windows.  For example, client would want to see all students who applied in September and October, do whatever awarding, and then later look at all November/December applicants and process awards, then Jan/Feb, etc. etc.


I was hoping to easily solve this business need by creating a saved view that filtered on the application dates using either a BETWEEN these dates function or just listing our each individual date for the window with a string of OR statements (ex: 10/1 || 10/2 || 10/3 || etc. etc.). Unfortunately, there is no BETWEEN function and the OR function on grid filters does not work for dates.

  • Guest
  • Oct 30 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Micco Fay
Client Name "shard name" iastate, aerhq
User System Admin
Functional Unit Grids
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  • Guest commented
    January 09, 2019 20:55

    Erin Schwartz from iastate would also like to be able to filter by a range on a column in a grid view. For her use case she stated " I want to sort and find students who have an RAI score of 315-337." So this particular example would be filtering on a number column rather than a date.