Opportunity API

The University of Utah (utah) would like the ability to have an API for their opportunities. Please see below for the use case.


From OA: 

"Basically we are just looking for an endpoint to query all of the engineering opportunities returned with Title / Description / Qualifiers / Value / etc… in a JSON output. Currently you have the ability for the public to search all the opportunities on your (our) web frontend (https://utah.academicworks.com/ <https://utah.academicworks.com/>) but the only output format is well structured HTML. We want the opportunities in JSON format.

Our use case is so that we can display our scholarships on our colleges webpage, https://www.coe.utah.edu/students/current/scholarships/scholarships-search/ <https://www.coe.utah.edu/students/current/scholarships/scholarships-search/>. Currently this queries our old scholarship system. The CSV can work for now, but we don’t want to download a new CSV every time we add or modify a scholarship and then upload that CSV elsewhere. Mitigating out of sync data without a huge amount of unnecessary overhead is our end goal (our resources are limited, as I'm sure yours are as well)."

  • Jessica Beatty
  • Nov 30 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Jessica Schildwachter
Client Name "shard name" utah, vcu, isu
User System Admin , IT Admin, Opportunity Admin, Applicant
Functional Unit API
  • Attach files
  • Danny Harvey commented
    June 04, 2021 18:49

    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (uwm) would also like to have an opportunity method added to the export API - same use case as the University of Utah.

  • Deleted User commented
    November 30, 2018 19:23

    Caitlin Hanbury from vcu also requested this feature. They have a similar use-case, they would like to display scope-based lists of scholarships to students in individual programs or departments on their webpage.