Add Report Date Stamp and Date Ranges

The would like user generated reports to contain a date stamp for when it was generated directly in the spreadsheet. Additionally, 
"This would be for scholarship administrators to know when they last downloaded a report. For instance, if they download a list of encumbered funds in the accepted category from 6/1/18-6/15/18 (end of day) showing students they’ve encumbered. The next report would then be from 6/16/18 to whenever showing the newly encumbered students and no longer showing the same students they’ve encumbered from 6/1/18-6/15/18."

  • Jessica Beatty
  • Dec 4 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Jessica Schildwachter
Client Name "shard name" k-state
User System Admin , Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Reports
  • Attach files