Additional help text File Upload Question Type

Sophia Tsai at the University Of California, San Diego would like the ability for the system to automatically add text next to the Browse/Choose File area informing users that they cannot use special characters.

  • Jessica Beatty
  • Jan 19 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Jessica Schildwachter
Client Name "shard name" ucsd
User System Admin , Opportunity Admin, Applicant
Functional Unit Apply-to , Questions, Files
  • Attach files
  • Tina Phifer commented
    May 02, 2022 19:52

    Yes, this would be very helpful! I have started added help text to any file upload Q to prevent this, but it's a common problem users have. They want to upload something called Jane.Doe.pdf and the system gives them an error.

    It would be helpful if they got a clear error message when they tried this, explaining the problem.