Show Email Body in User Messages Queue

"I am trying to find a way to easily determine the contents of an email held before distributing. In the User Messages Queue, I have several reviewer emails held for distribution or deletion but there is no easy way to determine for what opportunity or general application. I have to go to the reviewer and look at the groups they are in then determine what review started today."

  • Jessica Beatty
  • Feb 25 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Jessica Schildwachter
Client Name "shard name" csulb
User System Admin , Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Communications
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    November 22, 2019 15:10

    Please see similar request from WLU below. The ultimate goal is to organize that grid, especially when many different emails are present.

    "When I go into User Messages, all messages that have been sent to the message queue by anyone from our institution is present. It would be extremely helpful to be able to organize the messages by who sent them to the queue. If I am working with a particular group and need to go to the message queue and disburse emails in mass, it is hard to muddle through messages that have been sent by other people at different times for various reasons. Having a way to filter messages in the message queue by user would greatly increase the ability to stay organized and manage the disbursement of emails quickly. It would also allow the message queue to be cleaned up periodically so that people can disburse or delete messages that they sent in. "

  • Guest commented
    May 03, 2019 15:40

    I think also adding the scope would be helpful too!