Add "Opportunity Reviewer Note" to Opportunities Grid

Similar to description, it would be nice to see "Opportunity Reviewer Note" in the opportunities grid.


UDayton is using this field as an admins note field as well as reviewer notes.  It would be helpful to see this in the grid.


Please add and tag udayton

  • Deleted User
  • Mar 12 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Cammy Jagielski
Client Name "shard name" udayton
User System Admin
Functional Unit Grids
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    October 11, 2019 19:26

    SFASU has a similar request, but for the reviewer group to be added as a column. Please see description below:

    "Please add a column, to the opportunity grid, that has the reviewer group responsible for each of the scholarship opportunities. I have about 100 reviewer groups and this would be helpful. "

  • Stephanie Parmentier commented
    August 07, 2019 20:14

    This would be particularly useful for our reviewers who are awarding from hundreds of funds and need to easily see if there are particular awarding requirements they need to respect for each fund.