archive reviewer groups (8 hrs )
Customers are building up a library of old, unused reviewer groups. We should give them the ability to archive/disable groups so that they don‰Ûªt appear at the forefront and no longer match applications.
Client Name "shard name"
fvtc, uark, sfsu, hacc, fresnostate, roanestate, waketech, memphis, umb, witc, csus, cfabilene, cfneia, dvc, mcccdf
Opportunity Admin, System Admin
Functional Unit
Reviewer Groups
witc would also like this
MCCCDF would like this as well.
cfneia would also like this functionality
This would be helpful in implementation, as well. Many want to set up test groups to assign test applications & see for themselves how things function.. the ability to simply archive and remove those test instances would be much more straightforward.
sfsu would also like this ability
Yes, I think we might want to add cloning when we do this.