allow users to map answers in an imported file to more appealing answers within the system

- for instance, 'Y' in a file would be mapped to "yes" in AcademicWorks
- Explore notifying users / AW employees when a new answer is imported that does not have an associated mapping. In other words, if a new answer appears in a file that has not yet been added to the associated form field notify users.

array value on import header
strip and downcase on import
drop mappings button
show import fields - dropdowns
  • Deleted User
  • Feb 3 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name David Welch
Client Name "shard name" ou, wgu, fresnostate, tamuct, auburn, wisc
User IT Admin, System Admin
Functional Unit Questions, Imports
  • Attach files
  • Deleted User commented
    February 09, 2018 19:41

    WISC would love this one too! Especially for majors as no one really knows codes necessarily. Please tag.