Create custom deferred category that deducts an iteration

WVU has two "deferred" type of categories.

  1. Defer current disbursement, but student does not lose an iteration of disbursement (for example, a student on approved medical leave of absence.
  2. Defer current disbursement, but student loses an iteration of disbursement (student did not enroll for the semester.)

The first is achievable but for the second, we had to create a custom category that encumbers funds to take away an iteration. It could become confusing as you have to enter at least "$0" if an encumbered category which displays in the fund disbursements grid.  

  • Guest
  • Mar 1 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Cammy Jagielski
Client Name "shard name" wvu
User System Admin
Functional Unit Awards, Renewal Management
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