"Import succeeded" message is misleading

Original Text:

Often (especially during our busiest times) clients take the "import succeeded" message as confirmation that the data has been fully processed and populated across the system. However, it's a little bit misleading when it's really two distinct processes — first that their file is acceptable and then that the population of data across grids and applications is "in line" to be completed.

I think it'd be helpful to update the following to help set exceptions, clarify the process, and prevent annoyed admins. :)

  • the Import Feedback notification
  • the User Imports page (near the details of last import, in case they have not "opted-in" to the import feedback email)
  • User Import Process documentation
  • related Help Desk materials


The "import succeeded" message makes administrators think that the data has been propagated throughout the system.  In reality, this means that the file is now ready to be processed.  This causes confusion when the administrators do not see the data available right away, making them think there is something wrong. 


This causes confusion, which could result in the admin thinking there are problems with the file, the platform, or both.  As a result, they might waste tie trying to "fix" the file, or reaching out to support. 

User Story

As an IT admin, I want to know when that my file was successful, and that the data has successfully propagated throughout the system. 

As a Support Admin, I want users to have a clear understanding of what it means when an import is successful, so that they do not get confused and reach out.  

  • Guest
  • Mar 4 2016
  • Shipped
Employee Name Brooke Butler
Client Name "shard name" scholarships-idaho, southalabama, virginia
User IT Admin, System Admin
Functional Unit Imports
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 10, 2016 16:15

    South Alabama would greatly benefit from this as well! 

  • Guest commented
    March 10, 2016 16:14

    Idaho State Board of Education would greatly benefit from this as well! 

  • Guest commented
    March 04, 2016 17:26

    Possible phrases could be "initial load succeeded" or "file processing complete".