Would like ability to add CC and BCC on individual opportunity communication level

Kaitlin Landman - University of North Dakota - would like to have the ability to CC and BCC multiple users on a particular opportunity's communications.


  • Deleted User
  • Mar 22 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Khanh Nguyen
Client Name "shard name" unt, memphis, und, csulb, wisc, pstcc, uamont
User Opportunity Admin
Functional Unit Communications
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Churchman commented
    June 14, 2019 14:15

    Towson would also like this enhancement. It is detrimental to our process to be copied on any detached post-acceptance question emails.

  • Guest commented
    January 24, 2019 21:35

    Wisc would also like this piece of functionality. They are decentralized institution likes the flexibility of being able to customize communications on an opportunity-by-opportunity or scope-by-scope basis, but they are losing out on the CC/BCC funcationality that is available at the template level.

  • Jessica Beatty commented
    September 24, 2018 20:42

    Tyler Harrison from University of Arkansas-Monticello (uamont) would like the ability yo BCC an email on opportunity specific communications. 

    "Award Offer Notification emails allow me to BCC myself in the message template under the communication tab, but I do not see this option for the personalized offer notification that is available within the opportunity.

    I know AW keeps a record of the email, however, I like to image in the emails into our imaging system, so other departments such as admissions can see the offer. This is why I like to BCC myself on all offers that are sent from AW."

  • Guest commented
    August 15, 2018 17:21

    Gypsy Harrill from Pellissippi State Community College would like this ability as well

  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2018 13:39

    Tyra Krause from University of North Texas has also requested this.


    They detached the templates in order to allow OAs to tailor communications to their specific departments, however they also use the CCs they receive as an audit trail so not being able to receive copies of opportunity specific comms leaves a gap in their auditing/reporting.

  • Jessica Beatty commented
    May 18, 2018 13:57

    Oliver Mamangun  (CSULB) would like this FER. They want to get a copy for the email that is sent to applicants. 

  • Jessica Beatty commented
    August 10, 2016 13:43

    Memphis would also like this enhancement.