System Generated Universal Scope

What is the problem?

We currently have no way of associating a global Scope to all Opportunities, which is creating a highly manual job for our clients.

Use Cases:

  1. Student Workers - If a student worker is needed to update fund codes, qualifications or questions they will need a universal scope in order to have access to all of the Opportunities.

  2. Stewardship Admins - If a Stewardship Admin only is not scoped to any funds they will not see any funds. I can foresee that there will be some users who need to see all of stewardship manager but no Scholarship stuff.

  3. View Only OA - You might be a Dean at a school who wants access to the platform to ensure that things are going smoothly. There is currently no way to give them access to the entire site unless you associate all scopes to their account.

How do we currently solve it?

We could associate every scope to a user who needs visibility to ever Opportunity.

How does the enhancement solve it?

The enhancement would take all the leg work out of this process. If a Public/Universal scope was automatically places onto every Opportunity it would allow admins to only need to associate the scope with the user.

  • Guest
  • May 16 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Monika Spreitzer
Client Name "shard name" uwosh, utah, brown, wisc
User Opportunity Admin, System Admin
Functional Unit Users