IT Admin landing page causes confusion


When an IT administrator logs in, they are dropped off on the Files page, even though they are typically logging in to upload an import file.  Import files need to be uploaded under User Imports, however, the admins get confused when they land on the files page, and see "upload file."  



This causes confusion and leads IT admins to uploading the file in the wrong place.

User Story 

As an IT admin, I want to land on a page that allows me to upload imports, since that is the primary reason I log in to the system. 

  • Deleted User
  • May 18 2016
  • Shipped
Employee Name Cammy Jagielski, Monika Spreitzer
User IT Admin
Functional Unit Imports
  • Attach files
  • Deleted User commented
    July 13, 2016 14:45

    This is planned to be fixed in the Bo Release in August!

  • Guest commented
    May 23, 2016 16:27

    Recently, SAIC and lsa-umich have both loaded initial import files into the Files section of the system and not the correct User Import area for this very reason.