If an application was once encumbered but gets moved to an unencumbered category, we continue to list it through the API. However, for a customer to know that it no longer encumbers they have to check for all the encumbered categories. We could easily do this work for them by returning a true or false field for whether the application is currently encumbered.
As an administrator, I would like to easily see which applications are encumbered or encumbered in the API, so I don't have to determine this based off of multiple potential categories.
Employee Name | Harold Daniel |
Client Name "shard name" | emory |
Functional Unit | API |
Yes - Harold is correct. When an admin rescinds an award, it is not readily apparent that there is a post-acceptance application that may or may not have been in an encumbered state, as well.
Per the original ticket, "Ideally, they would have changed the post-acceptance applications back to Pending before un-encumbering the applications (but we probably can't expect people to know or remember to do that)." If that's the case, these now-unencumbered awards may still return in a user's API call because the post-acceptance wasn't touched (doubly so if the system doesn't use post-acceptance at all).
A simply yes/no on whether the initial encumberable award is still encumbered or not would help them verify the info they pull back via the API.
That was my original thought but Brooke's feedback would be more valuable from a customer perspective. I was thinking along the lines of a field that returns true/false or yes/no as to whether the disbursement is currently in an encumbered category.
As we understand the problem, they would like a signifier telling them through the API whether or not the category an applicant is in is encumbered or not. Is that correct or is there more to this issue?
Particularly for CUUI clients who move applications directly from Submitted to Accepted & do not utilize a post acceptance process, the idea of checking multiple encumbering categories and/or the requirement to change a post acceptance category back to Pending prior to switching the application category to something that does not encumber is a bit difficult to grasp. See Help Desk ticket #38042.
It would also be helpful if the API documentation explained some of this info a bit more thoroughly (the fact that there are multiple post acceptance/fund disbursements encumbering categories that could return/display award info and that the original encumbered amount will now still display)