Need notification of over extension on funds when bulk awarding

When you are moving applicants in bulk, you do not know if you have overextended an award until you receive an email. If emails are turned off in the system, no email is received therefor the System Administrator is unaware that applicants possibly did not change categories. 

It would be nice if a message similar to the pop up received within the opportunity specific applications grid appeared alerting the System Admin they have overextended a fund and allowing them to bypass and continue if decided. 


(see attachment of alert)

  • Guest
  • Jun 29 2016
  • Will not implement
Employee Name Cammy Jagielski
Client Name "shard name" wvu
User System Admin
Functional Unit Grids
  • Attach files
  • Deleted User commented
    June 30, 2016 18:47

    The issue is that bulk awarding involves different award amounts across different funds, so there isn't a single over extension possibility.  If someone bulk awarded and overextended 100 applicants they would receive a pop up that would take up the whole screen.  It seems the issue might in fact be that they administrative emails are turned off when the system wide emails are turned off.  Perhaps we need to make an exception for administrative emails in this context.