Saved Views by Role and/or by Account

Summary: South Alabama is requesting the ability to create Saved Views that are associated/accessible only be specified roles or individual users.

Business Problem: South Alabama has saved views that only the SA needs personally However, all other client defined roles have access to the views the SA only uses, and this causes confusion around which views other users should access and/or designate as defaults.

Solution: Separating access to saved views by role would allow views to be customized by role, thus creating greater usability and adoption by users, giving the system a more personalized feel and eliminating confusion/overhead from saved views roles do not need.

  • Guest
  • Jul 29 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Micco Fay
Client Name "shard name" southalabama, brown, k-state, wisc, bgsu
User System Admin
Functional Unit Grids
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    April 05, 2019 21:32

    Please see merged enhancement from BGSU for additional details on the need to define a saved view by role and/or scope (in addition to the comment above)

  • Jerry Ameling commented
    March 29, 2019 20:25

    BGSU would also like to see access to views tied to the user and others with the same role and scope access.  We would like to have a level of security added to the creation of grid views so that each user would only see views created by either that user or other users with the same scope access.  The current method makes it very cumbersome when searching through the entire list to find the specific item(s) that you have created.  Having a private view concept would make the management of custom views much more efficient and effective.


  • Stephanie Parmentier commented
    March 28, 2019 02:19

    This is a very large complaint we hear from users at UW Madison. A lot of them feel like they have too much information being thrown at them and have to sift through other user's views to find their own. 

  • Guest commented
    January 08, 2019 16:23

    k-state would also like this same feature. They would like the Ability to set custom grid views based on user or role. They have saved grid views created by and specific to certain administrators that are being changed accidentally by other administrators. They have over 100 administrators so it is hard for them to prevent these accidental changes from being made. Having Saved Grid views that are specific to users would help resolve this issue for them.

  • Guest commented
    October 06, 2016 16:14

    Brown University asked for the same thing that South Alabama asks for: Ability to set custom views based on USER: Users should see their own Saved view(s) and not have to change the view from other users.  I don't believe that the Custom Dashboard Cards will address this, as this customer wants a personal view of the Grids and to be able to customize those as they can using filters, moving columns etc.