Save row selections on grids

Business Problem: When making selections in a grid to email or categorize multiple applicants, all selections must be made at one time. If multiple searches need to be made to find specific applicants, selections made between searches are not saved. As a result, users must email/categorize applicants individually or in batch.

  • Guest
  • Aug 26 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Micco Fay
Client Name "shard name" loyola
User System Admin
Functional Unit Search
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    June 14, 2019 15:20

    See similar use case from Utah in the merged enhancement; description below -

    "When reviewers and opportunity administrators hit the back button from an applicant's page to go back to the full applicant list, the previously sorted grid will reset to the default grid. Better back button response that preserves the state functionality is needed. This is true anytime you hit the back button to go back to the previous page. Sometimes you can lose the previous screen's data. Allow the system to preserve the data so that people can go back or provide the system with its own back button / history so that users can easily go backwards. "