Remove bold formatting on questions

Business Problem: Client would like to bold certain words/phrases/characters on application questions from the Applicant's perspective on the Applicant portal in order for them to stand out more for emphasis. Dates, tasks, instructions, etc are all examples of what this could be used for.  Although some html (not css) formatting is allowed on questions, bold/strong cannot be used as question text is ALREADY bolded (i think via CSS class).  Administrators are bolding text on questions from the administrator site and the bold hold from their perspective, but they do not realize that it is not carrying over to the applicant portal site because all the text is already bold.


Solution: Client would like question text on application/apply-to's/etc to be non-bold by default, allowing administrators to dictate what words/phrases within a question should be bolded for emphasis, if needed.


Workaround: Administrators can italicize text and put text in all caps for emphasis.

  • Guest
  • Nov 9 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Micco Fay
Client Name "shard name" uark
User Applicant
Functional Unit Questions
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