Notification and/or Instructions on repercussions of removing Reviewers from Group

Business Problem: Client is afraid that, even with training, opportunity administrators with the ability to add/remove reviewers to their groups may remove users without understanding the full repercussions.  Accidentally removing a reviewer would be difficult to track and may result in bad data on applicants.


Solution: Client would like to see one or all of the following:

  1. Popup notification appear when administrators attempt to remove a reviewer from a group, informing them of the consequences and advising of the best way to remove reviewers (likely via cloning/archiving group).
  2. Have an option to DISABLE reviewers within a group that have started/completed at least one review. Disabled reviewers would not be assigned new reviewers and be at the bottom of the reviewers list or in a separate tab on the group altogether. These disabled reviewers would still be part of the group, however, meaning their completed/assigned reviews are still visible.
  3. Have instructions on the Reviewers page of a reviewer group that informs administrators of the process for adding/removing users and the consequences of each.
  • Guest
  • Nov 22 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Micco Fay
Client Name "shard name" stlouisgraduates
User System Admin
Functional Unit Reviewer Groups
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