Ability to upload images in/on the opportunity (such as a logo)

Customer wants the ability to upload images that are associated with their opportunities, like a logo

  • Guest
  • Jan 13 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Mary Brown
Client Name "shard name" schooltheatre, wc
User System Admin
Functional Unit Portfolio
  • Attach files
  • Mary Trautman commented
    February 03, 2017 19:45

    My client Brent Baker, VP, Institutional Advancement from Weatherford CC (weatherford) also asked for this. I explained about the donor profiles, but he wants to have the photo of the "loved one" on the opportunity and the photo of the donor on the Donor Profile. He said:

    It would be great if we could post a photo to the scholarship opportunity, separate and apart from the donor. I’d like to be able to recognize the donor as well as the loved one. Just a thought for future iterations of the system.

  • Guest commented
    January 30, 2017 14:56

    Customer response: 

    The reason this is important to us is due to marketing & branding. This is a LONG story, but in short our company (EdTA) has been around since 1929, but if you poll the country, less than 1% of people know who we are. But yet our premiere program, Thespians is incredibly popular mostly due to its iconic dual theatre masks logo. So in an effort to show that both Thespians & EdTA are under the same roof we have had a huge push to use a newly created dual logo with both juxtaposed next to each other.


    I know by now you’re asking, how does that pertain to this? Well in doing so they made logos for almost all of our in-house programs and would really like to be able to have the logo appear in the opportunity when you click it. This could be like on the donor page where the image shows next to the test, or even if we could have it appear somewhere in the opportunity like you can do with other HTML text. (And if it were the second way, I imagine it would be a short jump to help us with instructional videos preview as well). It’s something our Marketing team has really pushed that everytime we do something with a specific program that that specific logo appears when possible. An example of one of these logos attached.  




  • Guest commented
    January 26, 2017 19:48

    Asking for the customer to explain and will get back to you.

  • Deleted User commented
    January 26, 2017 18:34

    If possible: 

    Why is it important that these are visible on the opportunities?

    Where exactly do they want them to display?