Customer wants a report that they can see changes over periods of time, yearly...etc.

This customer wants to be able to have a report that shows data within a date range. They'd like to have a yearly/bi-yearly comparison of Opportunites, applicants, qualified applicants, etc. So basically they can use that for their info and give to their marketing department. This could prove value of the system  ** Couldn't find the proper functional unit to put this under, so I just choose Portfolios

  • Guest
  • Jan 13 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Employee Name Mary Brown
Client Name "shard name" schooltheatre
User System Admin
Functional Unit Portfolio
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Carrie Goldberger commented
    July 19, 2019 15:28

    A similar request came up from CSU Sacramento.

    They would love to see a year-to-year comparison of data on the dashboard, to help make the case internally that more resources are needed in the financial aid office (to keep up with increasing number of applicants and funds)